My daughter is currently in her senior year at UF (University of Florida) and while she was waiting for the bus to go home today, an entire ARMY of trucks drove by her plastered with this stuff all over it...

I don't mind a little evangelism, but to be spreading untruths at college campuses is downright wrong...
Preach the Gospel message...
Trying to scare these college students into submission is the wrong way to go about it... When was the last time you tried to convince a NON-CHRISTIAN college kid to do something?
There is no date contained ANYWHERE in Scripture, no matter how hard you twist numbers around or misunderstand Scripture itself. It is NOT POSSIBLE to set any dates about Judgement Day or the end of the world for that matter. Unless of course you think that God is a liar... Wasn't it He that said, "No man knows the day or hour, but the Father only"?
I pray that his campaign does as little damage as possible...