WARNING: God's Word has been known to be offensive to those living outside of God's perfect Will. Read to your own edification!
Do you call yourself a Christian?
Does Jesus tell you anywhere in Scripture to "Go out and become a Christian"?
Does Jesus tell you anywhere in Scripture to "Go out and become a Christian"?
Did you know that the word "Christian" can be found only 3 times in the whole Bible...?
And 2 of those times, it's used in a discussion surrounding suffering or death!
Yet many of you will use that "title" alone in order to describe yourself. Something that you either deem as a badge of honor, inferring your rebelliousness to the world at large or simply just to show people how "good" or "righteous" you are...
But I'm here to tell you today, that Jesus Himself was more concerned about DISCIPLESHIP than He ever was about you attending church, joining a religion or making up or following your own ways and practices, thanks to what the United States calls "Religious Freedom".