Friday, January 22, 2021

Bible Nuggets 5 - Exactly HOW narrow is the way?

Luke 13:24 - "Strive to enter through the narrow gate, for many, I say to you, will seek to enter and will not be able."

Jesus was talking about HEAVEN, and the MANY who will STRIVE to enter, but will fail miserably.  They're going to fail, because they DID NOT READ what God said.

Sunday, January 17, 2021

Committing the sin of cutting in line! - Sermon Series #1

So anyone who is familiar with me and the teachings that I do, knows full-well that I do NOT consider myself a "preacher" in the traditional sense of the word.  I'm not the kinda guy to get up before a congregation of people and bore them to sleep for an hour!  :P  I'm a Discipleship Pastor, as such, I spend the majority of my time teaching Discipleship and correcting false teachings.

But this morning I woke up thinking to myself, "You should do a short sermon on what happened to you yesterday".  So here I am, I prayed on it, got the green light and here goes nothing!  :)

Saturday, January 2, 2021

What happens when a Christian dies?

NOTE: I wrote the majority of this post back in November 2012.  As I mentioned in my previous entry, I never put this online, because I couldn't PROVE that I was correct.  Some of you have a hard enough time placing all of your faith and all of your trust in God, so the idea of asking you to "just trust me" was NOT going to be an option.  After reading this YOU should have no doubts left as to "what happens next".  To the "apologists" reading this, STOP.  THINK.  I'm not trying to convince you I'm right here.  I'm going to give you the scriptures and then you make up your own mind.  If you already made it up before reading, then I feel sorry for you.  Making up your mind BEFORE being presented with the facts is INSANITY.  I know what we have all been taught on this subject, but something inside of me always felt it was either wrong or incomplete somehow.  Something about just repeating what I've been told always felt LAZY to me.  When God gave me this information (99% in 2012, 1% in 2020), I knew with absolute certainty, beyond any shadow of any doubt that THIS was the correct information.  If we can't trust God's Word to be correct, then we're all lost.  To the rest of you, enjoy and feel free to ask any questions.  Oh yeah, one more thing, like Paul said in Romans, "let God be true but every man a liar".  I don't see any possible way that I'm wrong in what I'm posting today.  With that said, please do your own homework!  Simply quoting scripture out of context won't disprove me.  You're going to have to have proof that what I've given you is both Biblically and Factually incorrect.  Good luck with that!  ;)