Tuesday, December 14, 2021
A "funny" Corona Virus Story... (And who are God's Chosen people?)
Sunday, September 12, 2021
And it's all over for the Lutheran church....
So 3 years ago, the Presbyterians decided that there was more than one way to get to Heaven. This of course is patently untrue.
John 14:6 - Jesus said to him, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me."
Wednesday, August 25, 2021
Tongues, tongues, always FALSE tongues....
Question: Pastor Keith, allow me ask you, can a born again christian be filled with the holy spirit but cannot speak in tongues?
Thursday, July 1, 2021
Is being a Catholic the SAME as being a Christian?
"All people bleed, but not all people are bleeding."
"Everything for sale in the toy store is a toy, but not all things in the toy store are toys."
Those are just two things that I can think of off the top of my head to confuse you.
If you weren't confused, good, because they're only sensible.
But there are people out there who are NOT sensible.
Wednesday, June 16, 2021
Site Update Notification - 6/16/2021
So a lot of changes are in the works....
The most significant of which is that I'm protecting this blog and indeed ALL of my materials from "the powers that be". There are too many crazy people working in Tech (and government) these days, and I don't trust anyone to stand up for my right to freedom of speech OR religion (or anything else for that matter). So I'm pulling the entire site and recreating it ON MY OWN PLATFORM. Google can't touch me, Microsoft can't touch me, Amazon can't touch me, nobody can touch me. Yes, I realize that I sound a little "tin foil hat-ey", but I've seen what's been done to silence some other Pastors, so I'm doing what little I can to defend against it.
So the good news, is:
a) The site will be moved OFF of Google servers
b) I'll be creating a user FORUM so we can have REAL conversations
c) I'll be saving money!
Honestly, just a) is worth the entire move.
In other news, thousands have read the previous blog entry and still there is no movement. That's ok, I know who's in charge. When the time is right, I know this site is going to explode with life. I just wish it'd happen today!
Saturday, May 8, 2021
Let your YES be YES and your NO be NO
So Matthew is one of those books that newish Christians love to quote. Somehow it gives them the warm and fuzzies. Personally I think the warm and fuzzies are highly over-rated. I prefer to see scripture the way that Jesus does.
John 5:39 - You search the Scriptures, for in them you think you have eternal life; and these are they which testify of Me.
Monday, February 22, 2021
The Rush Limbaugh of Christianity
So as most of you know, I get all sorts of messages from all sorts of people from groups all over the world. There was a point where I was meeting with groups of men from Pakistan (thru Skype) on an almost daily basis in order to teach the concept of Discipleship as Jesus taught it. But I digress.
Today's post is not so much a question as it is a comment I received from a rather enthusiastic reader of mine. I'm re-posting it with their permission.
Friday, February 5, 2021
1st Annual Push for Sharing this Site with Someone!
So after 10 years of being online (go ahead and look, I'll wait), and with close to a year spent offline due to a desperate need to recover (still desperately recovering), I find myself dealing with the same issue I was dealing with 10 years ago.
This blog has 100,000+ visits every year, 99% of them are repeat visits. I don't care who you are, or what kind of site you have, those are good numbers for a new site, but not a 10 year old site.
I put in a serious amount of work on these blog entries that I make. I don't ask for money, I don't ask for you to buy my "72 steps to a more christian you" series (which is make believe!), I'm not asking you to sell your land and give it to me. In all actuality, some of you might want to throw something at me for saying it, but in this 1 small regard, I think Jesus and I have something in common. He did all he did FOR YOU, without even asking you first. He did what He did out of love and in that regard He and I (his lowly servant) have something in common.
So with all of that said, here is HOW to SHARE THIS SITE:

Boy, they don't write music like that any more huh?
So come on, I danced a little (like a monkey), gave you some music to listen to and got down on both knees AND elbows, won't you PLEASE send just one story (or 50) to someone for me? Pretty please?
Let's hope there isn't a 2nd Annual Push!
I'll let you know how it works out!
Thank you!!! :)
God Bless you all!
Friday, January 22, 2021
Bible Nuggets 5 - Exactly HOW narrow is the way?

Sunday, January 17, 2021
Committing the sin of cutting in line! - Sermon Series #1

Saturday, January 2, 2021
What happens when a Christian dies?

NOTE: I wrote the majority of this post back in November 2012. As I mentioned in my previous entry, I never put this online, because I couldn't PROVE that I was correct. Some of you have a hard enough time placing all of your faith and all of your trust in God, so the idea of asking you to "just trust me" was NOT going to be an option. After reading this YOU should have no doubts left as to "what happens next". To the "apologists" reading this, STOP. THINK. I'm not trying to convince you I'm right here. I'm going to give you the scriptures and then you make up your own mind. If you already made it up before reading, then I feel sorry for you. Making up your mind BEFORE being presented with the facts is INSANITY. I know what we have all been taught on this subject, but something inside of me always felt it was either wrong or incomplete somehow. Something about just repeating what I've been told always felt LAZY to me. When God gave me this information (99% in 2012, 1% in 2020), I knew with absolute certainty, beyond any shadow of any doubt that THIS was the correct information. If we can't trust God's Word to be correct, then we're all lost. To the rest of you, enjoy and feel free to ask any questions. Oh yeah, one more thing, like Paul said in Romans, "let God be true but every man a liar". I don't see any possible way that I'm wrong in what I'm posting today. With that said, please do your own homework! Simply quoting scripture out of context won't disprove me. You're going to have to have proof that what I've given you is both Biblically and Factually incorrect. Good luck with that! ;)